Home Current statistics of COVID-19 in Malaysia [8 March 2020]
Home Current statistics of COVID-19 in Malaysia [8 March 2020]

Current statistics of COVID-19 in Malaysia [8 March 2020]

A total of six (6) additional confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported to the National Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC) MOH. They have all been identified and isolated for further management. Investigation and identification of close contacts for testing are currently ongoing. All the additional cases reported today are close contacts of the COVID-19 cluster relating to Case 26. They were all identified during contact tracing activities and have been admitted to the isolation ward in hospitals for further management. Investigation and contact tracing activities are still ongoing to identify the source of infection. 

With these additional six (6) cases, cumulatively there are now 99 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Malaysia. Of these, 18 cases were amongst Patients Under Investigation (PUI), 79 cases amongst close contacts, and two (2) amongst evacuees of the Humanitarian Assistance missions. Of all confirmed cases, two (2) cases were reported to require ventilation support and treatment in intensive care units. They were also given antiviral medications. 

Of all confirmed cases reporting during this second wave of COVID-19 infection in Malaysia (Cases 23 to 99), only five (5) cases were reported amongst PUI with histories of travelling overseas. Whereas the remaining cases were from a cluster of close contacts or history of close contact with each other.