Home Samsung Galaxy Technology New Possibilities of Wearable Technology In Combating Common Sleep Issues
Home Samsung Galaxy Technology New Possibilities of Wearable Technology In Combating Common Sleep Issues

New Possibilities of Wearable Technology In Combating Common Sleep Issues

Sleep Health research reveals accuracy of oxygen saturation measured by Galaxy Watch4 and its correlation with severeness of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

One of the best ways smartwatch technologies can enhance our lives is not only by providing us the convenience of doing shortcuts, but also serving as a digital health assistant on our wrist, alerting us whenever our health is in danger.

Since the Galaxy Watch4 can monitor sleep patterns, breathing, heart rate, and more, it has a great potential to help us spot the earliest signs of health issues – one if which is Sleep Apnea, a serious sleep disorder where disruptions in breathing such as pauses, or periods of shallow breathing occur while sleeping.

A study published by Sleep Health, the National Sleep Foundation medical journal, suggests the Galaxy Watch4 could potentially be used to measure Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). OSA is a common sleep disorder, generally characterized by repetitive narrowing or collapse of upper airway during sleep, resulting in oxygen desaturation, frequent arousals, and increased sympathetic activity. The study found that wrist-worn trackers, like the Galaxy Watch4, were accurate in continuously measuring oxygen levels in trial patients, enabling researchers to screen for OSA by analysing data collected by the wearable.

In brief, the study compared Galaxy Watch4's SpO2 measurements to traditional sleep tracking methods. It was conducted by a joint research team at the Samsung Medical Center[1] and Samsung Electronics. The study monitored 97 adults[2], with sleep disturbances from ages 13-44. Participants were classified with normal, mild, moderate or severe OSA[3].

The findings from both the Galaxy Watch4 and conventional methods, were aligned, proving that the Galaxy Watch4 accurately measures oxygen saturation during sleep and that it can be used to screen for OSA. The study concluded that the Galaxy Watch4 could help overcome the high cost and in-hospital requirements associated with traditional measurement tools by monitoring daily sleep patterns directly from a wearable device.

All in all, the Galaxy Watch4 is excellent for tracking patterns or trends in sleep, and detecting underlying health problems. If you occasionally struggle with sleep issues like waking up at night, insomnia or daytime drowsiness, you should start tracking your sleep using Galaxy Watch4 and utilize its helpful sleep coaching program to improve your sleep quality.

[1] Samsung Medical Center (SMC) is one of the most renowned hospital in Korea. Since its establishment, SMC has pursued great medical advancements in all areas including treatment, research, education and medical service.
[2] Of the 97 adult participants, 74 were men and 23 women.
[3] Participants were classified into four groups as follows: normal (AHI <5/h), mild (5≤ AHI <15/h), moderate (15≤ AHI <30/h), and severe (AHI ≥30/h) OSA according to PSG results.+

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