Home Agoda Travel 79% of Malaysian Travelers Can’t Get Enough of Their Favorite Spot - Agoda Survey Reveals
Home Agoda Travel 79% of Malaysian Travelers Can’t Get Enough of Their Favorite Spot - Agoda Survey Reveals

79% of Malaysian Travelers Can’t Get Enough of Their Favorite Spot - Agoda Survey Reveals

Thailand, Indonesia, and Japan Top Agoda’s Return Visitor Ranking

It turns out that one trip to Thailand just isn’t enough for most of us. Agoda’s latest Return Visitor Ranking reveals that 79% of Malaysian travelers return to their favorite destinations. The ranking, which was compiled from a survey conducted on the Agoda platform earlier this month, shows Thailand, Indonesia, and Japan are leading the pack as the ultimate hotspots for returning visitors, followed by South Korea and Taiwan.

When asked about the purpose of their repeat visits, Malaysian respondents cited food as the top reason, with adventure and reuniting with family and friends as well as wellness also being significant motivators.

74% of travelers have visited their favorite destination between 1 to 3 times in the past decade, making up the largest chunk of repeat visitors. 14% of travelers have even visited their favorite destination ten times or more.

Fabian Teja, Country Director Malaysia and Brunei at Agoda shared, “Where some make it a habit to globetrot, others find pleasure in revisiting their favorite destinations. Agoda’s Return Visitor Ranking shows that for Malaysian travelers, Thailand, Indonesia and Japan are more than just destinations, they are experiences that travelers crave to relive. Agoda is proud to facilitate these journeys, offering a diverse range of accommodations, flights, and activities to make any trip enjoyable, no matter if it’s the first or the tenth."

When asked what makes Thailand, Indonesia and Japan so irresistible, almost half of Malaysian respondents chose Ease of Travel (49%) as the primary reason. Local cuisine (46%) was a close second, followed by convenient location (35%), safety and cleanliness (34%) and previous positive experiences (30%), to round out the top five.

Why Traveler Keeps Coming Back
(Based on the survey conducted by Agoda)
  • Ease of Travel (49%)
  • Local Cuisine (46%)
  • Convenient Location (35%)
  • Safety and Cleanliness (34%)
  • Previous Positive Experience (30%)

Looking at the survey data from an Asia-wide perspective, Japan, Thailand and Vietnam are the destinations that Asian travelers can’t get enough of. 44% of Asian travelers listed Ease of Travel as the main reason for going back to their favorite destination. This factor is particularly significant for Malaysian travelers, who also prioritise ease of travel (49%) when revisiting their preferred destinations.

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