Showing posts with the label BookXcess


A ‘Travel Fair’ To Rekindle the Passion for Travel Through the Pages of a Book!

“A Journey of a Thousand Miles, begins with a Single Step” – a well-known quote that resonates perfectly with travel. While it may not be possible to travel physically due to the current pandemic, why not reignite the passion for travel and begin the ‘journey of a thousand miles’ through the pages of a book. “Our desire to travel and learn about the world has become difficult due to current restrictions and the realities that impact and affect us, as a result of Covid-19. The whole world has come to a ‘standstill’ and has halted all forms of travel for the past two years, something no one could have predicted. With the TRAVEL FAIR thematic, we want to rekindle the passion for travelling through the pages of a book and, more importantly, encourage Malaysians to enjoy and experience the joy of travel again through books.” said Andrew Yap, Co-Founder of BookXcess Sdn. Bhd. “With people spending more time at home, the TRAVEL FAIR theme is meant to engage with people to create some buzz and