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Fly the Purple Flag of Generosity to support those in need

Local website, provides convenient and safe setup for public who want to help people who have put up White Flags Going purple – Malaysians proudly flying purple flags to encourage others to step forward to give  When Malaysia went into an extended lockdown, many Malaysians struggled to get by. Many families who did not have the means to cover their basic necessities such as food, baby formula and rent resorted to putting up a white flag outside their homes, as a desperate call for help. The white flag movement captured the attention of the world with many Malaysians eager to help and donate but were unable to, citing concerns of their own health safety especially during the strict lockdowns. Now, despite the restrictions being eased up gradually, people are still wary of stepping outside unnecessarily. is aimed at making an immediate and real difference to the lives of struggling Malaysians by bridging the gap between those who need help and those who want help