Showing posts with the label My Malaysia


MyMy supports Malaysia’s arts community with its #MyMalaysia campaign

Malaysia’s art scene has been one of the hardest hit by the pandemic. With live music banned, entertainment precincts closed and galleries shut, many artists have been put in a compromising financial position. This is why MyMy - short for ‘My Malaysia’ - came up with the #MyMalaysia campaign; to help empower these hard-hit artists to continue doing what they love. Through #MyMalaysia, MyMy is encouraging artists to share Malaysia through their eyes (or lens, in this case) and reward the best entries with money and a feature on the MyMy Instagram page. Instagram users can see some of the brilliant work already submitted via @mymy, or by searching #MyMalaysia, on Instagram. “MyMy sees Malaysia’s underground art scene as a symbol of our country's progress. In the spirit of #KitaJagaKita, we wanted to play a small part in helping these incredible local artists survive and thrive, whilst also sharing their works to remind fellow Malaysians just how beautiful their country is,” said MyMy...