Showing posts with the label SUUNTO


The Ultramarathon Survival Guide

Here’s everything you need to know about going the distance. The recent Asia Trail Master Championship points race Cultra 2022 (Cameron Ultra) saw its first-place winner for 100KM Hisashi Kitamura finishing in 12 hours. That’s 12 hours of continuous running to clear a highly impressive distance of 100KM. Sounds insane to accomplish? That’s the thing with ultramarathons – it seems beyond belief to run for 100KM… or to even think of wanting to do so. Which makes ultramarathon runners a force to be reckoned with. Runner’s high takes a whole different meaning for them, with some even describe it as a journey to find the soul. Running an ultramarathon can put your body into a lot of distress. It’s a gruelling test of human endurance and it’s not something to be taken lightly. During races, nausea and vomiting are common, and a lot of runners never see the finish line because ultramarathons not only take a toll on your body both inside and out, they also push you to your mental limit. There’...